Aquatic Calcium Part 1

Aquatic Calcium Part 1

As the body’s most abundant mineral, calcium has long been popular with people concerned about their health—especially women who want to avoid the painful fractures associated with osteoporosis. What’s more, research into other health benefits, including blood pressure regulation, has kept calcium in the public eye.

Calcium comes in different forms, some of which the body has an easier time absorbing than others. One of the most absorbable types of calcium comes from a marine algae found off the coast of South America.

Bone and Beyond

Nearly all of the body’s calcium supply is found in the bones and teeth, which explains why calcium is so important in maintaining skeletal health. Bone tissue is constantly being renewed; when it is broken down faster than it is rebuilt, osteoporosis can result. Calcium (along with its partners, vitamins D and K) helps the body build bone properly, resulting in a strong, fracture-resistant frame.

The rest of the body gets only 1% of the calcium. But that doesn’t stop this tiny amount from playing a huge role in numerous bodily processes.

Calcium helps pass signals between the nervous and muscular systems, allowing muscles to contract and relax. This process extends to the smooth muscles within blood-vessel walls; calcium, which allows blood vessels to relax and widen, is required for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels. Calcium has been shown, through interaction with other chemical processes within the body, to help lower blood pressure in people with both hypertension and diabetes (American Journal of Hypertension 12/09). High blood pressure is a risk factor for stroke, and research has shown a link between calcium intake and reductions in stroke risk (Heart 10/09). In addition, calcium’s soothing effects have helped ease symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome (Taiwan Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 6/09).

This article is provided by Energy Times Magazine June 2011.

This article is for information only. Do not make any changes in your diet or lifestyle without first consulting with your preventive healthcare provider. As always, we continue to pray for your health and prosperity, 3 John 2, blessings, Donna.

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