Aquatic Calcium Part 2

Aquatic Calcium Part 2

Calcium’s effects on PMS can be partially explained by how it interacts with different hormones; this hormonal activity also accounts for the link between calcium and weight control. Research has associated calcium intake with less fat being deposited in the abdomen, the “belly fat” that harms health (Obesity 3/4/10 online). Women with higher calcium intakes have been able to avoid regaining lost weight (Journal of Nutrition 10/07).

Researchers have explored the link between calcium, in association with vitamin D, and colon health. In one European study, people with higher intakes of both nutrients had a reduced risk of developing colon cancer (BMJ 1/21/10). Calcium and vitamin D appear to help maintain healthy cell growth within the intestinal lining (Cancer Prevention Research 3/09).

Mineral Sources

According to the National Institutes of Health, many Americans don’t get all the calcium they need from food, with postmenopausal women and vegetarians among those especially at risk. This has led many people to take calcium supplements, which can be helpful. For example, supplemental calcium has increased bone density in older men (Archives of Internal Medicine 11/10/08).

Taking extra calcium, however, is not always the same thing as absorbing it. Algas calcareas is a type of algae that draws calcium from seawater and processes it into a digestible, organic form. Used as a dietary supplement in South America for decades, it is now available in the US and has shown greater promise as a bone builder than other forms of supplemental calcium (Molecular and Cellular Bio­chemistry 3/7/10 online).

Getting enough calcium is important for everyone. Algae-based supplements make that task easier.

This article is provided by Energy Times Magazine June 2011.

This article is for information only. Do not make any changes in your diet or lifestyle without first consulting with your preventive healthcare provider. As always, we continue to pray for your health and prosperity, 3 John 2, blessings, Donna.

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