Naturally Pumped Prt 1

Naturally Pumped Prt 1


So it’s June and, after months of utter excess, you’ve decided to join resolutionists everywhere by upping your exercise commitment and downsizing your intake of junk food.
Good move, especially if you want to boost your levels of energy and overall well-being – to say nothing of helping to decrease your waist size while potentially increasing your lifespan. One way to make the most of your new lifestyle is to increase your intake of protein, and organic multi-source powder drink mixes can help provide part of your daily requirements for this key nutrient in a convenient form.
The Pros of Protein
Protein serves dozens of functions within the body, from providing the building blocks of enzymes, hormones and other compounds to helping maintain correct balances of fluid and salt. However, one of protein’s most crucial roles is structural. From skin to bones, protein gives the body’s tissues their form.
Nowhere is protein as fundamental body stuff more obvious than in the muscles, which help to define one’s overall shape. Exercise creates small tears in the muscle fibers; in repairing this damage the muscle packs on extra protein, which causes it to grow.
Building muscle also promotes better weight control. More muscle tissue means the body contains more lean mass – basically anything that isn’t fat. What’s more, muscle tissue burns more calories at rest than fat tissue. That means the more muscle you have, the more calories your body expends even if you aren’t moving at all.
In addition to healthy sources such as free-range meat and wild-caught fish, powdered shake mixes can provide additional protein whenever you need it. This is especially true for post-workout snacks; as the American College of Sports Medicine puts it, “Protein supplementation after exercise may have a more profound impact” on muscle growth. The ACSM adds that getting extra protein becomes more crucial as you age to simply maintain the muscle mass you already have.
Remember this article is for information only. Do not make any changes in your diet or lifestyle without first consulting with your preventive health care provider. We always pray for your prosperity and health, 3 John 2, blessings, Donna.
This week’s article is courtesy of Energy Times January 2016.

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