Good Health Teasers

Good Health Teasers


Back in the day, may be fifteen years ago, when we started to do these articles for our local paper we endeavored to keep it as an educational effort. We continue on the premise that education / knowledge is power – we aim at helping others to live a healthier and more enjoyable life.
Having said all that, this week we want to highlight some of the subjects covered in one of our ‘free’ magazines. Our hope is that we can ‘tease’ you into reading more from health experts and be well on your way to good health right now and for the future.
Some of the best reads I found in one of this month’s magazine are as follows: More magnesium = healthier arteries, chemical plasticizer raises blood pressure, curcumin curtails post-exercise muscle damage, FDA warns NSAIDS increase cardiovascular risk, weight loss wisdom, dried plums boost bone health, bugs for a healthier smile, LOL – Laugh Out Loud, serving up the food industry’s darkest secrets, low vitamin D linked to stroke severity, and sitting for more than three hours per day can cut two years off a person’s life.
Let’s switch to one particular magazine section that caught my husband’s attention (and maybe yours).
Who loves to snack? We sure do at our house, but at the same time we are adamant about choosing the ‘better’ snacks, i.e. USDA Organic, Non GMO verified, no high fructose corn syrup, etc. you get the picture. You may want to use these guidelines when choosing your selections.
Less is more! The fewer the ingredients the better. Raw gets even better yet. (I would love to share some of our family’s favorites!)
Limit sugar!  If any of the many forms of sugar are high on the list of ingredients – move on to another selection. Remember to watch out for the ‘oses” such as fructose or dextrose.
Go Nutty! Nuts are full of healthy fats and protein. Again, stay away from the selections with added sugars.
Do Not Count Calories! Calories are good and required but watch for the ‘empty’ calories. Those seemingly great 100 calorie or less snacks can be full of, yes, you guessed it, added sugars. Also they tend to have high amounts of artificial ingredients.
Lastly – for the best in snack foods why not choose guacamole, cheese, or fresh fruit / veggies.
Watch next week for more ‘teasers’ on good health reads. See you with our stack of magazines in our Bourbon or St. James storefronts.
This article is for information only. Do not make any changes in your diet or lifestyle without first consulting with your preventive healthcare provider. As always, we continue to pray for your health and prosperity, 3 John 2, blessings, Donna

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