Supporting Hormonal Balance

Supporting Hormonal Balance

One of the most notable effects of age is how it affects hormone levels. And while men do undergo hormonal fluctuations, the best-known hormonal change is menopause, when a woman’s menstrual cycles stop and her body produces less estrogen and progesterone.

Some women sail right past menopause with hardly any problems at all. However, fatigue is a common postmenopausal complaint; others include sleep disturbances, mood changes, sexual difficulties and noticeable changes in skin and hair texture. A woman’s risk for developing heart disease and osteoporosis also rise after menopause.

Proper diet and exercise not only help ease fatigue and other postmenopausal issues, but also reduce risk for disorders often associated with age. In addition, a number of herbs have long been used to support optimal hormonal balance.

One of these botanical therapies, maca, has been credited by traditional healers in Peru, its native land, with improvements in energy, mental clarity and sex drive (a usage supported by the amino acids L-arginine and L-histidine). To the north, healers in Mexico have long relied on damiana to ease anxiety and enhance libido (and to stimulate proper digestion as well). Valerian, an herb used for centuries in Europe, is best known as a sleep aid that also takes the edge off stress.

Asia supplies its share of hormone-balancing botanicals. One of the most famous is China’s dong quai, a tonic for the female reproductive system. In India, an herbal blend from India’s Ayurvedic healing tradition, Alanzeebium, also helps promote healthier hormonal balance.

Passing menopause doesn’t have to signal decline. A healthy lifestyle and savvy supplementation can help make a real difference.

This article is an excerpt from Energy Times Magazine November/December 2018 issue. Please visit our website for more information on this and other great health topics. Remember this article is for information only. Do not make any changes in your diet or lifestyle without first consulting with your preventive health care provider. We always pray for your prosperity and health, 3 John 2, blessings, Donna

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