Say Yes to the Noos (nootropics) Part 1

Say Yes to the Noos (nootropics) Part 1

It’s cliché to say we live in a fast-paced world, but it’s true. And no organ feels the effects of this quickened pace more than the brain, which must process ever-increasing amounts of information.

No wonder one recent survey found neurological dysfunction to rank behind only cancer and obesity among Americans’ main health worries.

But these concerns go far beyond simply forestalling decline. Even healthy people want greater brainpower to keep up with the rise in cognitive workload.

And that’s where nootropics come in.

Building a Better Brain

The word nootropic, based on the Greek words for “mind” and “affecting” or “changing,” refers to any substance used to make learning easier and to enhance memory and thinking. Many of these substances also help protect the brain from injury.

People have spent centuries hunting for nootropics; green tea and sage are two cognition enablers with long track records. However, it wasn’t until the 1960s that researchers put this quest on a more scientific footing, and it wasn’t until the 1980s that nootropics started to be seen as a DIY path to improved brain performance.

Gingko biloba, used in traditional medicine for more than 2,000 years, was one of the first nootropics to draw widespread attention for its ability to promote better blood flow within the brain. Another circulation booster, Bacopa monnieri, has been found to improve mental processing speed while buffering the brain against stress.

Two other herbs have yielded useful nootropics. Huperzine A, found in the Chinese club moss (Huperzia serrata), supports the activity ofacetylcholine, a neurotransmitter crucial to mental performance and memory. Vinpocetine, found in the dwarf periwinkle (Vinca minor), helps tame oxidation and inflammation within the brain.

This article is from Energy Times Magazine May/June 2018 issue. Please visit our website for more information on this and other great health topics. Remember this article is for information only. Do not make any changes in your diet or lifestyle without first consulting with your preventive health care provider. We always pray for your prosperity and health, 3 John 2, blessings, Donna

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