The Power of Hemp Part 2

The Power of Hemp Part 2

It was an astounding breakthrough—like finding a new organ or bone.

“Every physiological function is governed or influenced by the endocannabinoid system,” says Carl Germano, RD, CNS, CDN, board-certified clinical nutritionist and author of the upcoming title, Road To Ananda: The Simplified, Illustrated Guide To The Endocannabinoid System. “The ECS is all about maintaining health and well-being, or what is known as homeostasis.”

What’s more, endocannabinoids control how the body responds to stress, which in turn has been found to upset endocannabinoid levels within the brain. This can become a downward spiral, in which ongoing stress causes the ECS to become more and more impaired.

Enhancing how the ECS operates offers an unprecedented opportunity for fighting pain and boosting well-being of both body and mind. As Germano puts it, “You cannot be healthy if your endocannabinoid system is not nourished and functioning properly.”

And that’s where hemp comes in.

Hemp and the ECS

Like endocannabinoids, the phytocannabinoids in hemp fit into the cannabinoid receptors on cells. As a result, hemp acts within the body in a similar fashion to the ECS, helping to keep the body in a healthy state of balance.

This means that hemp’s usage in traditional medicine is now backed by a wealth of modern research; to date, more than 100 related phytocannabinoids have been identified in hemp. But it has only recently appeared on health food store shelves, mainly because our understanding of how the ECS itself works is so new.

One reason hemp is helpful is that the body can go into a state of endocannabinoid deficiency. Researchers believe that insufficient cannabinoid production is linked to fibromyalgia, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome and other poorly understood conditions. And poor ECS function may also account for chronic low-level inflammation, which has been cited by researchers as a contributing factor in everything from arthritis to cardiovascular disease.

Stress isn’t the only reason the ECS doesn’t always operate the way it should. “Poor omega-3 status can interfere with proper ECS functioning,” says Germano. “When you are omega-3 deficient, your cannabinoid receptors are not as active and you don’t produce enough of the body’s own cannabinoids.” And if the body doesn’t produce enough endocannabinoids on its own, Germano says, “You then must rely on your diet.”

Article courtesy of Energy Times magazine March/April 2018 issue. Please visit our website for more information on this and other great health topics. Remember this article is for information only. Do not make any changes in your diet or lifestyle without first consulting with your preventive health care provider. We always pray for your prosperity and health, 3 John 2, blessings, Donna.

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