Alpha and the Omegas

Alpha and the Omegas
The subject of Omega 3 fatty acids and saturated fats is of such importance and the amount of great information that we regularly receive prod us to again bring forth information on this subject.
            This week we would like to direct our attention to the inflammation issue. Remember from previous discussions that hormone levels are controlled in part by what fats we are eating. The hormonal controls need to be balanced in order to allow inflammation to occur. Yes, you have read correctly. Remember that there is a fine balance between the correct levels of inflammation and anti-inflammatory responses in our system(s). For example, inflammation is needed to repair injuries or defend against infection but also needs to stop working when the job is finished. The key is that the foods we eat either activate or inhibit internal inflammation.
            You may have heard this before, however it bears much repetition. We should seek out foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids. These include salmon, herring, black cod, hemp seeds, flaxseeds, walnuts, and omega-3 fortified eggs. You could also take a fish oil supplement. Omega-3 essential fatty acids are found in cold water fish such as Alaskan salmon and also in flax seed and flax seed oil.
            In one widely recognized publication, which many of our readers are familiar, we have greatly appreciated the section on ‘uncovering myths’ of eating red meat and saturated fats derived from animal. No, not all health food store owners or employees follow a vegetarian diet. It has been shown at great lengths that nations who have for many decades eaten a diet high in dairy do not have a history of heart disease. Can you say balance?
            Here are some interesting facts regarding saturated fats. First we must remember that our bodies must have sufficient intake of saturated fats in order to properly utilize essential fatty acids such as Omega 3’s. At least fifty percent of all our cell membranes are composed of saturated fatty acids. Saturated fats actually lower a key substance in the blood that indicates a tendency to heart disease. Saturated fats build and support the immune system. Attention women!, saturated fats are required for proper absorption of calcium into the skeletal system. Lastly as mentioned above, saturated fats protect the liver from alcohol and other toxins, such as those found in non- steroid type anti-inflammatory drugs.
            Sadly, since the introduction of poly unsaturated and hydrogenated fats such as margarine etc., our nation’s rate of heart disease has increased. Back in the day of eating only what was raised in our agricultural society, heart disease was proportionally much lower.
            We truly pray that you are prospering and experiencing excellent health even as your souls prosper, 3 John 2, Donna. This article is for information only. Do not make any changes in your diet or lifestyle without consulting with your health care practitioner.


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