Blood Sugar-Balancing Supplements Prt 1

Blood Sugar-Balancing Supplements Prt 1
Diet and weight loss can have a huge impact on the odds of developing diabetes – or if you’ve already been diagnosed with the disease, helping to manage your blood sugar levels. But sometimes your best efforts simply aren’t enough. The following herbs and nutrients have been found to help normalize blood sugar levels when paired with healthy lifestyle choices.
Alpha Lipoic Acid is an antioxidant made by the body is found in each and every cell, where it helps turn glucose into energy. Several studies suggest that alpha lipoic acid (ALA) helps lower blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity. Because of its liability to neutralize free radicals, studies such as the Sydney 2 Trial found that taking supplemental ALA may help to ease the symptoms of diabetic peripheral neuropathy, including pain, burning, itching, and numbness in extremities, especially the feet and hands.
Chromium is an essential mineral has been shown in clinical studies to reduce blood sugar levels, especially when paired with biotin. This dynamic nutrient duo activates insulin receptors, helping to prevent the buildup of glucose in the bloodstream. In a four-week Yale University School of Medicine study, patients with type 2 diabetes who took a combination of biotin and chromium saw a 9.7 percent drop in their glucose versus a 5 percent increase in the placebo group. Triglyceride levels dropped among those taking two nutrients as well.
Curcumin, aside from being a known as the active ingredient in a common curry spice turmeric, studies suggest that curcumin could favorable impact the key facets of diabetes, including insulin resistance, chronically high blood sugar levels, and high cholesterol, while also helping to prevent complications resulting from diabetic nerve damage. This golden spice might also help prevent the initial development of diabetes – at least according to one clinical trial that appeared in the journal Diabetes Care. During the study, 240 people with prediabetes were given either curcumin or a placebo daily for nine months. At the end of the study, 16.4 percent of those in the placebo group with diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. None of the participants taking the curcumin showed any signs of the disease. A key note to keep in mind is that curcumin by itself is not very absorbable by the body. You need a type that is proven for bioavailability called Curamed. Created by grinding curcumin into an extremely fine powder, mixing with turmeric oils. Research in the Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences shows that this high absorbable form of curcumin offers up to 10 times absorption and blood retention compared to standardized extracts. Check your labels.
This article is brought to you by Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, MD alongside Better Nutrition magazine presents Defying Diabetes.
 Remember this article is for information only. Do not make any changes in your diet or lifestyle without first consulting with your preventive health care provider. We always pray for your prosperity and health, 3 John 2, blessings, Donna.


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