Keeping your Friends Healthy Part 2

Keeping your Friends Healthy Part 2


Continuing on with last week’s article  from Nordic Naturals on pet health and the role Omega 3 has in your pet’s life.
What is the best way to add omega-3s to my pet’s diet?
The best source of omega-3s for cats and dogs is fish oil. Omega-3s are found abundantly in cold-water fish, with some of the best sources being sardines, anchovies, and cod.
Of course, the source of the oils is very important. Fish oil from wild-caught fish that is distilled for purity is optimal for safe, effective use during a lifespan of cats and dogs. The oils should be independently tested and proven to meet or surpass all international standards for heavy metals, PCBs, and dioxins. Using fish oils specially formulated for pets (instead of those produced for human consumption) is highly recommended, as many on the market contain flavorings or preservatives that may not be suitable for cats and dogs.
Can exercise really help keep joints healthy?
Exercise is paramount to the physical health of cats and dogs. After all, a body in the motion stays in motion. The simple act of walking a dog (or cat!) helps to lubricate joints and muscles. For cats, encouraging their inner hunter through interactive play helps keep their joints and bones healthy. It is also helpful to provide cats with things to climb on, like kitty trees and towers.
Exercising our furry companions also helps to alert us to potential joint problems. Signs that a cat or dog might be suffering from joint inflammation can include stiffness in the limbs, difficulty walking up and down stairs, not jumping onto his or her favorite spots, an obvious change in speed, limping, and more. Of course, always consult your veterinarian for proper diagnosis and treatment options.
Remember this article is for information only. Do not make any changes in your diet or lifestyle without first consulting with your preventive health care provider. We always pray for your prosperity and health, 3 John 2, blessings, Donna.

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