Gone Fishing Part 2; the answers

Gone Fishing Part 2; the answers


Last week we started an article / book report on an article from ‘better nutrition’ magazine we subscribe to regarding the need to eat more cold water fish. This week will provide the answer key to our fun little quiz given in last week’s article.
Some of the ways to get more of those Omega 3 super foods into your diet are as follows:
Question #1: Like lean meat, lean fish is the healthiest choice; answer: false. Especially if you don’t eat a lot of cold water fish – eat the fattier selections such as tuna, herring, salmon, mackerel, and sardines (Yum!)
Question #2: Wild sockeye salmon contains ½ to 1/3 the amount of omega 3 per four ounce serving as wild king salmon, farmed Atlantic salmon, wild herring and wild mackerel. 500-1000mg compared to 1,000 – 1,500 mg.
Question #3: The following fish is not high in mercury; Atlantic mackerel. For a quick and easy guide visit www.ewg.org Mercury in food is a particular health concern because it is easily taken up into the intestinal tract and is a poison to our nervous system. Especially a concern to pregnant women because it may cause brain damage to the unborn child.
Question #4: False, fast-food fish is not a healthy option because it contains less that 200mg of the healthy Omega 3. Typically, fast food fish is cod; compared to salmon which has as much as seven (7) times the Omega 3’s.
Question #5: Salmon and other varieties of fish that come from the state of Alaska are always wild. Yes, this is truce! Only shell fish are allowed to be farm raised in our great northern state of Alaska.
Question #6: The American Heart Association recommends eating fish at least twice a week. They also go further to say each serving is to be at least 3.5 ounces (our other sources say 4 ounces). 3.5 ounces equals ¾ cup of flaked fish. We always say if you cannot flake your fish it is either over or under cooked. The American Heart Association goes on to say that if you are suffering from heart disease then take larger doses of Omega-3. This is where we can help. We have a large selection of fish oil to choose from and several local area physicians send people to us.
We are still wanting to hear your feedback on favorite fish recipes! See you at the lake!
This article is for information only. Do not make any changes in your diet or lifestyle without first consulting with your preventive healthcare provider. We pray that you prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers, 3 John 2, blessings, Donna.

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